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Publicity iconUltima Online Bibliothek

This Publicity article was posted by Brekkee at 05:36 PM on January 05, 2005

A German site - Ultima Online Bibliothek - made a post about us. A helpful reader translated it for us to this:

Hunter's market in favor of Crazy Joe's Red Cross donations.

Coming Sunday the Hunter's market will take place as usual.
This time organizer "Piotr Aureus of Drachenfels" asks the sellers to donate their income (or a part of it) in favor of Crazy Joe's action.
The whole takes place on Sunday, 9th of January at 7:00pm (GMT)
Location: Hunter's Market (coordinates: 12°49'N - 3°9'W) Trammel (to the west of Britain cementry)

Herefore all salesmen and naturally buyers aswell and any further inteerested people are warmly invited.
Further on is the building of the "Hunter's Market" also the official Donating house of Crazy Joe's Red Cross charity on Drachenfels.

You can read the original here.