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News iconGamers Charity is Done.

This News article was posted by CrazyJoe at 09:46 PM on December 19, 2005

It is with great regret and sadness that I offically announce that GamersCharity is closing down.

It was almost one year ago that a small idea of mine brought the Ultima Online community together in ways I could never have imagined, and we worked together to donate over $10,000 to Charity organizations that helped those affected by natural disasters. I met some great people along the way, and do not regret the loss of sleep or negligence at work and home.

The last two months of this year has been full of stress at work and home, and I honestly have not had the time to do much with Ultima Online or GamersCharity in the past month.

I do have a few auctions left I can throw out, which I aim to do this week. If anyone noticed, all the auctions in the past few months were 100% donation (except for only a couple), and I will sell some personal items next year on my normal eBay account to try and offset those expenses.

I know some people wished to continue GamersCharity - however for legal reasons I am keeping the domain. If anyone wishes to follow in my footsteps, I will of course throw all my advice I can to you.

It's been a pleasure, and my sincere apologies for bringing it to a closure.